Shoot the traffic of your corporate blog

How can I increase traffic to a business blog? A blog is a very powerful marketing tool, which helps to generate potential clients as well as contributes to having a stronger presence in search engines. It uncovers how marketing content is a fundamental ally and a great help for your SEO strategy.

It is certain that on many occasions we lack time to write and we can fall into simply making the same type of content due to a lack of creativity.

We are not here in order to provide a magic formula, which makes “traffic increase in a few months”, but we are going to talk about long term strategies, which will make the growth of your corporate blog sustainable.

Content marketing spends a lot of time, despite many articles which circulate throughout the internet saying that in a few months you can increase the traffic of a blog.

In this article you will find information in order to create a consistent strategy and generate a large volume of traffic in your blog posts. There is no law that says what can and cannot be done, but from experience we know that these tips will eventually pay off.

Calendar of content

It is very easy to fall into a routine and publish content because it is time to publish. On many occasions we publish the same content due to a lack of good ideas or we copy what others have written. This is the reason why we recommend creating a calendar of content and  not to improvise.

How can I do that? Have a brainstorming session and select the topics which have more coherency with your overall strategy. As soon as you have the ideas and topics, you must plan and translate them all into a document. When planning it is very important to choose properly what day, what topics, where to share them and at what time to publish them.

Provide value

The topics that are written about are fundamental and therefore, you must write a good title, which is attractive, captures the attention of the users and is coherent with the values of the company.

It is important to create an skeleton based on a specific topic and you must create content basing itself on the key words which are related to this particular topic.

Link together all the content which have a common theme and bit by bit, you will create a spider`s web of brand content.

Images and video of quality

Accompany your entries with quality images, graphics and audiovisual material. All of this helps to capture the attention and are a very suitable way to achieve a receptive attitude from the user.

Perseverance and patience

Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand and help each other. It is difficult to say for sure but a good blog contributes to more explosive growth. Consistency, perseverance and patience are small contributions that add up and in the end will give good results to your company.

Social outreach

It is true that we live in a world in which your audience is on different platforms and you have to be present wherever they are, but you always have to publish with your head. You do not need to spread the same content on all social networks, not do you have to do it at the same time. We will leave you an example of an outreach structure.

  • Facebook: Make two posts, the first on the day of launch and the second a week later
  • Twitter: Publish two tweets – the first at the moment of launch, the second the following week and finally relaunch it several months later
  • LinkedIn: Make a post on the day of launch
  • Pinterest / Instagram: If it is relevant you can upload an image or inforgraphic

Outreach on specialized social media or forums us also a way to increase traffic.

Recycling of old content

Optimize and recycle content, it is fundamental to find old content a year or two old, that has future benefits and potential. Subsequently it must be updated with recent dates, focusing on key words, which should be targeted and add value.

You only have to take the idea, the essence and transform it as something new. Publish the updated version as new, but with the same URL and broadcast it as normal. It is good that you put a note below the post, that mentions the original date of creation and the date of when it has been updated

With these 6 tips we wanted to capture this sustainable method capable of generating a constant increase in the blog of a brand. Remember that time is needed, but in the future, your general SEO strategies will be somewhat improved. It will improve the content of the blog, it will have more and more relevancy, it will be working on your keywords and being more interesting the traffic will be greater and quality. Are you prepared to increase the traffic to your business blog?


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